Your Stories

Your Stories

Our consumers share their personal stories of breast screening.

In their own words



Vanessa Scales, member of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consumer Advisory Group, shares her experience with breast cancer and her hopes and dreams for the future.

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In their own words



Mandy Cairns, member of the BreastScreen Victoria Consumer Network, shares her breast health journey, her hopes and dreams and her plans for the future.

In their own words



Chantal Hennequin, member of the BreastScreen Victoria Consumer Network, shares her screening experience, her hopes and dreams and her plans for the future.

In their own words



Andrea Cameron, member of the BreastScreen Victoria Consumer Network, shares her experience with breast cancer, her hopes and dreams and her plans for the future.

In their own words



May Wanniappa, member of the BreastScreen Victoria Consumer Network, shares her motivation to have a breast screen and her experience with breast cancer.


In their own words



Sharan Kafoa, member of BreastScreen Victoria's Consumer Network, shares her experience with having a breast screen, her hopes and dreams and plans for the future.

In their own words



Horsham woman Mary-Anne ‘Daisy’ Horgan put off making a breast screen appointment for six months as she was busy taking care of everyone else around her. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013 and encourages other women to look after their health.


In their own words



Aboriginal Health Coordinator Deb Mellett was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008. She encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to have a regular breast screen. 

In their own words



Keilor Downs breast cancer survivor Jean Tavares encourages all women not to be complacent about their health. She was first diagnosed in 1997 and has since fought three recurrences, in 2000, 2009 and 2011.

In their own words



As Michele Clifton sat in a waiting room filled with women, she wondered which unlucky one would be diagnosed with breast cancer. Little did she know it would be her. In July 2012, the Broadmeadows woman was diagnosed with the disease after a routine breast screen. 

In their own words



Due to a busy full time work schedule, Kerri Welsh was about to put off her appointment for a second time, until she was told about an after-hours BreastScreen clinic at Moonee Ponds. Kerri was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. She encourages other women not to be complacent about prioritising their health. 

In their own words



Parkdale woman Val Gaskell has survived breast cancer twice following a mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She encourages women who don’t have a regular breast screen to value their life and avoid ‘being an ostrich’.

In their own words



Vivienne Harkness had put off having a mammogram for a few years when a letter with the offer of a free plant finally motivated her to book in. She was diagnosed with breast cancer twice and later found out she had the BRCA2 gene, a hereditary gene that increases the risk of cancer.

Book your appointment online at My BreastScreen or call 13 20 50

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