Before screening

What to know before your breast screen

Getting a breast screen every 2 years is the best way to detect breast cancer early. 
But what exactly does a breast screen involve? How do you know if you are eligible – and how can you book one? Below, you will find everything you need to know before your screening appointment.

What is a breast screen?

A breast screen, also known as a mammogram, is a low-dose x-ray of the breast that checks for breast cancer. 

We invite women and trans and gender-diverse people aged 50 to 74 without breast symptoms to have a breast screen every 2 years. 

Our service is free, takes about 10 minutes – and does not require a Medicare card or doctor’s referral. 

Are breast screens safe?

Your breasts are exposed to a very small amount of radiation during the screening process.  

Research shows that the benefits of breast screens in finding cancer early outweigh any radiation risks. 

Breast symptoms and changes

If you notice unusual changes or pain in your breasts such as a lump, changes to your skin, or discharge from your nipple, see your doctor as an immediate first step. 

Learn about breast cancer signs and symptoms

What is the best test for you if you have breast symptoms?

Screening with breast implants

Most people who have breast implants can still go for a breast screen every 2 years.  However, you may wish to discuss this with your doctor before making an appointment with us.  

Implants make it harder to see breast tissue on standard 2D mammograms and we will need to take additional x-rays to show as much breast tissue as possible. This means you will need a slightly longer appointment.  

Read about breast screening with implants [PDF].

Preparing for your breast screen

Here are some things you can do to get the most out of your appointment: 

  • Discuss your family history: Before booking your appointment, we suggest you talk to your family about any family breast or ovarian cancer history. This information is required as part of the booking process, and it allows us to  estimate your personal risk of developing breast cancer. 
  • Wear the right clothes: Wear a two-piece outfit (e.g., trousers or a skirt and a top) so you can easily remove your top for the breast screen.  
  • Plan your time: Allow time for travel and find the clinic. You will also be required to review and sign a registration and consent form.  

How to book your appointment

Booking your breast screen is simple and can be done: 

  • By phone: Call 13 20 50 

When booking, we will ask you: 

  • If you have any breast symptoms or unusual changes to your breasts 
  • About your personal and family history of breast or ovarian cancer 
  • If you have any accessibility needs (e.g. wheelchair use) 
  • If you have breast implants 
  • If you have been on hormone therapy for 5 years or longer 
  • If you have had breast surgery 

If you use a wheelchair or have other specific requirements, please call us on 13 20 50 so we can   help you find the most suitable clinic for your needs. You can also let us know if you need Auslan interpreter services when booking your appointment.  

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service.  

  • TTY users: Phone 13 36 77 then ask for 13 20 50. 
  • Speak and Listen users: Phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 13 20 50. 
  • Internet relay users: Connect to the National Relay Service then ask for 13 20 50. 

Learn more about the BreastScreen experience [PDF] 

Feeling unwell on the day?

If you’re feeling unwell and need to reschedule your appointment please call us on 13 20 50 Or you can reschedule via your online account. You must not attend your appointment if you have any of the following: 

  • Fever 
  • Chills or sweats 
  • Cough 
  • Sore throat 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Runny nose 

Book your appointment online at My BreastScreen or call 13 20 50

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