Measuring our impact and success
Since 1993, we have been at the forefront of early breast cancer detection in Victoria. Through our free, life-saving screening service, we save lives and empower women in our community to be proactive with their health.
Here are some of our key milestones over the years – and the measures we use to track our performance.
Our ongoing impact
Total breast screens since 1993
Highlights from 2023–2024
Breast screens performed
Clients attended their first screen
Clients returned for regular screen
Clients screened on the mobile van
Results sent to doctors
Clients identified for further tests
Breast cancers detected early (2022–2023)
How we track for success
To ensure you have the best experience every time you use our service, we closely monitor our performance and success through the following key measures.
- Participation: Our campaigns target women and trans and gender-diverse people aged 50 to 74 without breast symptoms to have a breast screen every 2 years.
- Cancer detection rates: Our goal is to detect breast cancer early in as many women and trans and gender-diverse people as possible within our eligible population. Trained radiographers carry out all screenings, using 2D mammography as our primary screening method.
- Harm minimisation: We focus on maximising early detection of breast cancer while minimising any negative impact on our clients – whether physical or emotional.
- Timeliness: We aim to provide all our clients with timely and efficient access to screening and assessment services. After each screen, we will send your results to you within approximately 2 to 4 weeks – and arrange assessment if needed, as soon as possible.
- Client focused: We actively gather feedback to better understand our clients’ experiences and ensure our services are accessible, welcoming and comfortable. By addressing client concerns and needs, we continue to deliver a high-quality, client-centred service.