Education and training for health professionals
The educational resources below are designed to help health professionals better understand breast cancer, treatment options and more.
Online breast cancer modules for rural health professionals
Cancer Australia has developed 6 online courses for rural health professionals in collaboration with the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
These courses are available for free on ACRRM’s online learning platform.
Topics include:
- How not to miss a breast cancer – the triple test in practice
- Breast cancer – treatment options
- Breast cancer treatment – managing the impact
- Breast cancer in the family – what does it mean?
- Follow-up and survivorship care for early breast cancer
- The younger woman with early breast cancer
Online breast cancer module for Aboriginal health workers
Cancer Council Victoria and BreastScreen Victoria have developed a training module to support Aboriginal health workers (AHW) in communicating the importance of breast cancer screening to the Community.
This module provides tools, skills and resources to help AHS support eligible Community members, family members and Elders to access breast screening.
Access the module on the Cancer Council Victoria Learning Hub
Genetic cancers and patient risk training for GPs
Cancer Council Victoria has released updated resources to help GPs improve their understanding of genetic cancers, patient risk assessments and referrals to Familial Cancer Centres.
The free practical training takes about an hour to complete. It also offers the RACGP and ACRRM professional development credits.
View referrals to Familial Cancer Centres for BRCA1 and BRCA2 Testing training
View general practice referral guide for BRCA1 and BRCA2 Testing decision aid