In your workplace

Promoting breast screening in your workplace

Workplaces play a crucial role in supporting health and wellbeing. Learn more about our workplace resource kit – developed to help you promote breast cancer screening in your organisation.  

Why promote breast screening in your workplace

Supporting health initiatives – such as free breast screening – fosters a culture of care and wellbeing in your workplace. 

Breast screening is also key to detecting breast cancer early, which leads to less invasive treatment, shorter recovery times and a higher chance of survival. This, in turn, means a better chance for you to help retain women in the workforce and reduce the impact of breast cancer on your organisation.  

By promoting breast screening, you can also:  

  • Support staff health and wellbeing  
  • Empower your team to lead healthier and happier lives 
  • Help reduce the risk of late-stage diagnoses and death from breast cancer 

The workplace resource kit helps organisations promote breast screening awareness – and encourages staff to attend a free breast screen.  

The resource kit includes:  

  • Information about breast cancer and the importance of early detection 
  • Practical ways for employers to promote breast screening   
  • Content to distribute to staff, including emails, newsletters and social posts 
  • Suggestions for health promotion activities in your workplace 

Start promoting free breast cancer screening in your workplace

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