Disability Action Plan

Disability Action Plan

BreastScreen Victoria’s purpose is to reduce the impact of breast cancer and save lives through early detection of breast cancer. Through the Diversity and Inclusion pillar in our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, we have identified the need to improve accessibility and inclusion for people with disability as a priority area. This includes developing partnerships, providing training to employees on disability capability and confidence, and ensuring that our services are compliant with accessibility standards.   

About the Disability Action Plan
This plan aims to enhance disability inclusion and engagement outcomes in both the delivery of services and internal operations. This not only benefits people with disability, but it also benefits the organisation and our employees more broadly. The Disability Action Plan provides a roadmap for us to enhance employment opportunities for people with disability and increase participation rates for clients with disability. It will also support us to advance the rights of people with disability across the communities we serve. The plan highlights our social responsibility to remove barriers, that prevent people with disability from fully participating in all areas of community life.   

We seek to create a culture of inclusion, where diversity of thought and differing perspectives are a source of organisational agility, resilience and renewal. We have demonstrated our commitment to diversity and inclusion through being an accredited Rainbow Tick organisation, our partnership with the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (VACCHO) to deliver The Beautiful Shawl project and the recent launch of our first Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan.  

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Disability Action Plan

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