Screening for people with disability
We are committed to reducing barriers to screening for people with disability. Learn more about our program accessibility, interpreter services and Disability Action Plan below.
Is breast screening right for me?
Most people with disability can have a breast screen (mammogram) but, for some, it may not be possible. You should talk to your doctor about breast screening to decide whether it is right for you.
You can bring someone with you to your breast screen appointment. Service and assistance animals are also welcome.
In some cases, your health condition or disability may prevent the radiographer from being able to position you for a complete breast screen. If you cannot have a breast screen, other tests such as ultrasound or clinical examination may be suitable.
We encourage you to talk to your doctor to explore the best options for you.
Download our screening for people with disability fact sheet [PDF]
Screening for people with disability
Women with disability are at as much risk of breast cancer as other women.
Watch this video to understand the screening process at BreastScreen Victoria for people with disability.

Where can I have a breast screen?
When you call us to book your appointment, we will ask you some questions to ensure you can have a breast screen and that we book the right clinic for you.
This includes checking that the clinic:
- Has wheelchair access
- Has an extra radiographer to assist
- Can provide longer appointments if needed
Our mobile screening service vans, which visit regional and rural communities, also have wheelchair lifts.
Feel free to bring your carer, friend or family member to your breast screen appointment. Service and assistance animals are also welcome.
If needed, we can work with local disability services to arrange group bookings and familiarisation visits.
How to book an appointment
- Call 13 20 50 or book online.
- If you use a wheelchair or would like to discuss additional needs, call 13 20 50 and we will help you find the best clinic for your care.
What if I need help communicating?
We can provide Auslan interpreter services at your screening. Please let us know if you need an interpreter when you book your appointment.
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service. This is an Australia-wide telephone access service for people who have hearing or speech impairments.
- TTY users: Call 13 36 77 then ask for 13 20 50
- Speak and Listen users: Call 1300 555 727 then ask for 13 20 50
- Internet relay users: Connect to the National Relay Service then ask for 13 20 50
What if I have an intellectual disability?
If you have an intellectual disability, we encourage you to discuss breast screening with a your doctor before booking an appointment.
We can work with support persons or legal guardians to organise familiarisation visits and ensure people with intellectual disability are supported during the screening.
See Lisa's experience with screening for people with disability [PDF]
View ‘Why you need to be tested’ poster in easy English [PDF]
Increasing our program accessibility
Together with disability experts and members of our Consumer Advisory Group, who have lived experience, we have developed a pathway to improve our program accessibility for people with disability.