Family history

Family history of breast and ovarian cancer

You have a family history if any of your blood relatives have had breast or ovarian cancer.

Why does a family history matter?

Most breast cancers are not caused by genetic factors. But for a small number of women with a family history, a gene change in a blood relative may increase their risk of developing cancer.  

average risk295 in 100

women are at average risk (population risk) of developing breast cancer 

medium risk4 in 100

women are at a moderately increased risk of developing breast cancer

high risk1 in 100

women is at a potentially high risk of developing breast cancer based on their family history

When your family history is relevant

Your family history becomes important in determining your breast cancer risk when:  

  • More than one relative on the same side of your family (either mother’s or father’s) has been diagnosed with breast cancer 
  • You have a direct family member/s who has been diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age (below 50 years) and are more closely related to you (for example, your sister rather than your cousin) 
  • A family member has breast cancer in both breasts  
  • A man in your family was diagnosed with breast cancer  
  • Both breast and ovarian cancer exist in your family  

Reassuring facts for women with a family history

If you have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer, be assured that:  

  • Most breast cancers are not caused by genetic factors 
  • The earlier a cancer is detected, the higher the chance of successful treatment  
  • Having a family history doesn’t mean you will develop breast cancer 

What should you do if you have a family history?

You should speak to a doctor about your family history. They can then use a familial risk assessment tool to better assess your breast cancer risk.

It’s also important that you inform both BreastScreen Victoria and your doctor if there are any new breast cancer diagnosis in your family since your last breast screen. 

If you continue with our service, we’ll recommend a screening schedule in line with your risk. 

average risk2

Average risk

You’ll be invited to our breast screen every 2 years from ages 50 to 74.

average risk2

Moderately increased risk

You’ll be invited to screen annually from ages 40 to 49 – then every 2 years until 74. 

You should also see your doctor for a clinical assessment that considers all risk factors. This may change your overall risk and indicate the need for other tests.

average risk2

Potentially high risk

We strongly recommend you see your doctor for a more detailed clinical assessment. You may then be referred to a specialised clinic for extra support. 

If you choose to remain in our program, you’ll be invited to screen annually until 59, then every 2 years until you turn 74. 

Be breast aware

Get to know the normal look and feel of your breasts. See your doctor if you notice any unusual changes.  

Read more about the signs and symptoms  

Family history and trans and gender-diverse people

While the statistics on this page refer to women, family history is still an important risk factor for trans and gender-diverse people.  

BreastScreen Victoria is an open and inclusive service for all Victorians – and we’re committed to making our services welcoming and safe for trans and gender-diverse people.   

Read more about our inclusive practice  


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